Thursday, December 4, 2008

A blogpost for my sister

Monday, 8 P.M. My Sister calls me during dinner. ".. is there any chance you'd make a blogpost about me ?"

Tuesday, 8.30 A.M. I'm driving in my car, talking to my sister who's in the same traffic jams as me. She asks: ".. did you have the chance to think about that blogpost ?"

Wednesday, during my coffee break. A quick call from my sister, to let me know she didn't miss her flight. ".. I'm really curious to read that post about me".

Thursday, 15 P.M. During another passionate meeting at work, I have a quick chat with my sister. "I just had another look at your blog. It's been a while since you posted. But I have an idea on who you could do a post, if you want."
(in the picture, all other colleagues are imaginative, except Mr. Gueningck)

Friday, 19 P.M. I'm rounding up at work, when my sister calls me to see what's up for the weekend. I tell her I hope to find the time to prepare some blogposts, in between shopping for groceries, playing with the kids and spending some times with my wife. (I should also add: and reading comics). I promise her I've foreseen the post about her afterall.

So sis, this was your post. Hope you enjoyed it !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and it's a friend ...:)
Mr. Gueningck